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  • Writer's pictureJennifer Willey

How to Build Your Leadership Brand: Fearless in 5

Updated: Nov 13, 2019

What do you need to lead? Of course you have to be accountable. You need to have skills and ability to perform. And you need to drive results. But what are the core traits that make you a great leader? In this week’s Fearless in 5, I’ll share with you the traits that helped chairman Akira Matsumoto of Calbee grow their profits by 7x during his tenure as CEO.

#1 Have a change or die mentality. The world is changing faster than ever and you have to prepared to change with it.

#2. Never escape from being a leader. That means that you always have to be able to make decisions and judgments.

#3 Bring compelling ideas and theories to the table. Don’t just rely on everyone else to bring the great ideas.

#4. Be a person of virtue. This will make it that much easier for everyone to want to follow you.

#5. You need to be a great communicator.

If you could use some help on the communication front, contact me or visit Wet Cement to learn more about how we can help. If you want more tips on leadership, check out and our other Fearless in 5 episodes. And if there are some really important leadership traits that we left off the list, please add them into the comments below.



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